4 Things Compromising the Indoor Air Quality of Your Home | Nashville, TN

Indoor Air Quality | EZ Breathe | Macedonia, OH

Whether you’re sleeping or awake and active, the quality of the air you breathe matters. Indoor air quality has a big impact on your health. Poor quality air can lead to the development of allergies and other respiratory problems.

The following are five things that commonly compromise indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Quality | Nashville, TN

  1. Dirty air ducts

The air flowing through your ductwork is distributed throughout the home. It is the air you breathe. It is therefore important to ensure that this air is of good quality.

If you are not getting the ductwork in your HVAC system cleaned often, there’s a good chance that the air in your home is packed with dander, dirt, dust and other particulates. Your dirty ducts could be the reason why your allergies are flaring up or the cause of that persistent headache. Be sure to have your ducts cleaned by a certified expert at least once a year.

  1. Indoor smoke

This is a rather obvious one. Many people understand the dangers associated with smoking. However, few understand that smoking an E-cigarette will also compromise indoor air quality. While E-cigarettes are not as bad as traditional cigarettes, they still result in the production of pollutants. It is therefore advisable to restrict all forms of smoking to the outdoors and maintain a smoking-free zone within your home.

  1. High levels of humidity

Moisture is essential for our health. It helps to keep our airways and skin healthy. However, too much moisture can lead to problems.

High humidity in the home will create the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. Once an infestation is established, spores will be released in the air. When you breathe in these spores, they can cause all manner of health problems including allergies and respiratory issues.

If you want to safeguard the health of your household, you should invest in a dehumidifier. This will keep humidity at an optimum level and keep mold infestations at bay.

  1. Pets

Your pets may be lovable and loyal friends, but they also may be causing you to be ill. Pet dander (or fur) can result in the development of allergies and other respiratory issues when inhaled. It is made up of not only the fur but also dried skin cells. These fall off regularly, float in the air and settle on different surfaces around the home.

Make it a point to clean your pet regularly. You should also give your home a thorough cleaning every once in a while.

Improve your indoor air quality, contact the professionals at EZ Breathe Systems today! (866) 822-7328