5 Sure Tips for Improving Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality New Jersey, NJ


Indoor Air Quality | New Jersey, NJ

5 Sure Tips for Improving Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality New Jersey, NJ

Indoor air quality denotes the quality of air within buildings and the surrounding structures, especially with respect to the health and wellbeing of the people who occupy these buildings. Being aware of the importance of good indoor air quality and controlling some of the elements that pollute indoor air can help in reducing the risk of indoor air-related health problems.

Controlling the quality of indoor air is also very important given that some of the health risks associated with poor indoor air quality may be experienced immediately while others may take even years to be detected. Therefore, understanding and controlling the quality of the air that you breathe can help you prevent the short- and long-term problems that are associated with poor indoor air quality.

Ironically, according to the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States, six out of every 10 buildings and homes have poor indoor air quality and therefore expose their occupants to the risks associated with airborne pollutants. Thus, much more needs to be done to improve the quality of indoor air in homes and other buildings. Below are five tips that can help you improve your home’s indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Quality | New Jersey, NJ


1. Ensure That The Building Has Good Natural Ventilation

Natural ventilation includes windows, doors and various types of vents such as door vents, window vents, and ridge vents among others. These openings facilitate air circulation, ensuring that the indoor environment has fresh air and just the right amount of humidity at all times. Thus, it is important to have an adequate number of windows and doors as well as numerous vents on your building to guarantee good natural ventilation.

2. Install Reliable AC Equipment

Air conditioning equipment such as fans and dehumidifiers and are a good investment to help you improve air circulation and control the amount of moisture in the building at any given time.

3. Keep your AC Equipment Clean

Simply installing different kinds of AC equipment is not enough to help you have a good indoor air quality. To be effective, the devices need to be cleaned and maintained regularly to ensure that they do not gather dust and that they operate optimally at all times.

4. Have House Plants To Help You Purify Your Indoor Air

Some house plants such as Epipremnum aureum have been proven to be effective in purifying indoor air by removing a number of air pollutants including formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene, and benzene.

5. Choose Furniture And Items Such As Carpets Carefully And Keep Them Clean

Some furniture items and carpets release air pollutants long after they have been made. Hence, it is important to ask about the types of materials that the items are made of when buying. It is also critical to keep furniture and carpets clean to avoid the accumulation of dust and other airborne substances on these items.

Contact the professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems today! (866) 822-7328

Washington, D.C. | EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems

EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems Improves The Health Of Your Home | Washington, D.C.

The air quality in your home can impact your health. It is important to invest in a ventilation system that can filter allergins in order to have the healthiest possible indoor air quality. Let’s face it, our homes are full of pollutants. They are in the electronics we buy, the plastic packaging, the floors, the carpets, the sofa, the fabric of our curtains and practically anything that is produced commercially. There are also various pollutants around the home that aren’t in obvious places e.g. basement mold.

If you want to improve indoor air quality, you can start by answering the questions below:

  1. Do you have moisture problems in your basement?

Not many people realize that the state of their basement affects the quality of the air in their homes. This is the result of stack effect, which results in the rising of air from the basement into the rest of the home.

If you’re experiencing moisture problems in your basement, you’re also likely to have a mold or mildew infestation. You are also likely to be affected by microbial growth. Mold spores and bacteria can spread to the rest of the home in the air that rises from the basement into the rest of the home.

Washington, D.C. | EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems

  1. Do you have rodents or insects in your home?

Yes, rodents and insects affect indoor air quality. Their fur and particles from their feces can easily spread in the air that circulates in your home. These particles are allergens that can cause or exacerbate allergic reactions. You may experience worsening of asthma symptoms or the development of various other respiratory conditions as a result of the presence of these allergens.

  1. Do members of your family experience frequent bouts of illnesses or allergies?

Many people write this off as a problem with immunity. However, it is most likely the presence of allergens and disease-causing organisms in the air you breathe in your home.

Addressing issues of air quality

It isn’t enough to invest in HEPA filters that will get rid of small particles. You need to ensure that you have fresh air circulating in your home. You can achieve this by investing in a ventilation system that circulates fresh air from the outdoors into your home. These systems ensure that you are not breathing in the same stale air. They get rid of allergens and gaseous toxins to ensure better air quality in your home.

Contact EZ Breathe Systems today!  (866) 822-7328

Primary Sources of Indoor Air Toxins and Allergens

Primary Sources of Indoor Air Toxins and Allergens- EZ BreathePrimary Sources of Indoor Air Toxins and Allergens

Pity the poor bathroom fan.

Infrequently the concern of most homeowners. Seldom the recipient of adequate investment by builders. In most dwellings, it’s not uncommon for the vents to be furred with dust. Yet it can dramatically improve the comfort of a home or apartment’s atmosphere, and in some cases even help the occupants live longer and better. In fact, some experts on the subject leave theirs running constantly in certain seasons.

Click here for more related information on how EZ Breathe removes allergen triggers in your home.

This whitepaper will address several sources of indoor air contamination, some of which are well known. Others will be less so. For example, few people realize that one of the most common comes right from their stovetops: Spaghetti.

Download the whitepaper today.