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The Savvy Entrepreneur: The Story of EZ Breathe Home Health Solutions

Erika Lacroix has successfully built EZ Breathe Home Solutions, a construction-related business. She is a kind of unicorn, thriving in what is still traditionally a man’s world.

She says she was always more of a tomboy, which no doubt helped prepare her for her role with EZ Breathe. And her down-to-earth, funny, no-nonsense approach probably did as well.

She shares the story of her journey, along with some tips for other women entrepreneurs operating in this world. She has navigated bumps along the way, but is fiercely dedicated to her customers, as you’ll hear in my interview with her.

Click on the arrow to the left to listen, or click here if you’d prefer to read a transcript of the show. It’s well worth the listen!

Indoor Air Quality | Macedonia, OH | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Why Indoor Air Quality Has Such A Big Impact On Your Health

Why Indoor Air Quality Has Such A Big Impact On Your Health

As our homes and workplaces become increasingly well sealed, it may seem like we are shutting pollution out. But research shows that we are actually shutting pollutants in. Whether we are sleeping, cooking, cleaning or working, we now spend 90% of our time indoors, breathing potentially dirty air. Our research suggests that the level of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) are rising in people’s homes. Indoor Air Quality | Macedonia, OH | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

The term Indoor Air Quality, or IAQ, refers to the air quality in and around our homes and workplaces. Indoor air pollution can negatively affect Indoor Air Quality and can lead to immediate and long-term effects on a person’s health and wellbeing.

Understanding the sources of indoor air pollution and how they relate to the overall Indoor Air Quality can help improve living and working environments and potentially benefit your overall health.

What are the effects of indoor air pollution

The effects of indoor air pollution can typically be separated into two categories:

Short-term effects include mild to severe eye and respiratory system irritation, headaches, nausea, shortness of breath and dizziness. These effects can be reminiscent of allergy symptoms or the flu. Asthma sufferers and those with pre-existing lung conditions are much more susceptible to the short-term effects of indoor air pollution.

Long-term effects can range from respiratory and heart diseases to lung cancer. These more serious health problems can occur after extended exposure to ambient indoor air pollution, but can also appear after repeated, though less frequent exposure to contaminated spaces.

How can Indoor Air Quality be improved?

When it comes to Indoor Air Quality and its long- and short-term effects on our health, the stakes are high. Thankfully, there are several steps you can take to reduce indoor air pollution and improve the Indoor Air Quality in your home.Indoor Air Quality | Macedonia, OH | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Ensure adequate ventilation

Kitchens can be especially problematic spaces for mold and VOCs related to combustion because of heating elements. Be sure that your cooking area is properly vented. Throughout the rest of your home, open windows whenever possible to improve airflow and regularly examine and replace filters in your heating and cooling systems.

Clean regularly

While we have already noted that many household cleaning products can be as potentially harmful as they are helpful, it is still important to clean your home regularly and thoroughly. Learn about the common VOCs found in cleaning products and read labels carefully to determine if the cleaning products you are using meet your standards. An indoor air quality professional should be able to assist you in identifying a solution to remedy the potential bad air in your home!

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation System Today! 866-822-7328

EZ Breathe System | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Indoor Air Products And How They Impact The Quality Of Your Indoor Air

Home Products And How They Impact The Quality Of Your Indoor Air

As the sunshine and heat of summer give way to the brisk air and shorter days of fall, it’s the perfect time to update your indoor decor.EZ Breathe System | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Throws and Blankets

Find throws and quilts with warm, neutral colors or with seasonal patterns, and drape them over the back of furniture in your living room and bedrooms. Chilly nights call for extra layers, and while you’re cuddled up on the couch there’s nothing better than cocooning yourself in blankets.
If you’re buying new items, make sure to wash them before use. Textiles are exposed to a variety of chemicals throughout the manufacturing process, and they can irritate your skin or lungs.


The fireplace can get a little dusty over the summer months, so make sure it’s in good working order before your first cozy, crackling fire of the season.

A certified chimney sweep can inspect your fireplace area for blockages and pests, ensuring that smoke can properly ventilate. For gas and wood stoves, you’ll want a certified inspector to check them out for any leakages as well.

Keep in mind that even fireplaces in perfect condition can release harmful emissions into your home. Consider using an EZ Breathe System to filter and remove damaging particles so your family can enjoy the comforts of the fireplace without compromising Indoor Air Quality. EZ Breathe System | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System


Carving pumpkins is a great fall activity for the whole family. But after a couple of weeks or so, those decorations can turn into a breeding ground for mold.

After displaying everyone’s creations inside for a few days, move the pumpkins outside. If it’s cold enough during the day or at night, the pumpkins will last longer. And they’re outside, so they aren’t adding allergens to your home.

The same is true for fresh fall flowers. Dispose of them once they start to wither so you don’t have to deal with the mold and mildew that can form inside the vase.

You should also be aware of the outdoor allergens like mold and ragweed that can become an issue during the fall months. Using an EZ Breathe System can help keep your home free of those outside irritants.

Scented Candles

The fall season lends itself well to comforting smells. From baking spices to outdoor aromas like sage and pine, burning a candle is a simple way to add ambience and comfort to your home. Keep in mind that burning anything in your home will add volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. Whether a candle is made with natural or artificial ingredients, it can affect the air quality in your home with substances that can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation. Encourage ventilation wherever you’re burning a candle by opening a window, turning on a ceiling fan, or using an EZ Breathe System. Alternatives to burning candles include fall flowers, clove-studded oranges, and cinnamon sticks.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation System Today! 866-822-7328

sick home syndrome

What Is Sick Home Syndrome?

Are You Wondering if Your Home or Office Is Making You Sick?

“Sick Home Syndrome” is a phrase that describes situations in which a structure’s occupants experience acute, adverse health effects and/or discomfort that appear to be linked to spending time within the structure and have no specific link to an illness, can be caused by poor air quality often linked to little or no ventilation. Symptoms can include respiratory ailments, asthma, sinus infections, rash, dizziness, headache, nausea, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, fatigue and others.

It’s common for several building occupants to report varying symptoms which may seem unrelated at first. For example, many experience runny, itchy eyes, headaches, etc. when spending time in their basement and in most cases, the symptoms diminish soon after the individual leaves a specific room or building. However, in some cases, particularly in sensitive individuals, in children and elderly, and those with compromised immune systems, there can be lingering health effects.

What causes of Sick Home Syndrome?

Causes of Sick Home Syndrome can be attributed to both interior and exterior chemical and biological contaminants. According to the EPA, a major contributing factors is inadequate ventilation, a common side effect from our ‘modern’ building and construction practices that favor tightly sealed, energy-efficient strategies for homes and buildings. In short, our homes don’t breathe any more.

Biological contaminants such as bacteria, pollen and molds can be found throughout a home, especially in damp places where stagnant water has puddled in ducts, humidifiers and drain pans, or where moisture has been absorbed on ceiling tiles, carpeting or insulation.

Mold is naturally occurring and easily enters a home in various ways like on our clothing and pets, through our vents and doors, and on organic material we introduce into our homes. While visible mold is an obvious reason for concern, mold and fungal growth also occur in hidden spaces under carpeting, behind wall boards, insulation and paneling. “Toxic molds” have been linked to large variety of illnesses in recent years which can cause serious health problems.

What you can do to help?

If you suspect that your home/building is making you sick there are some things you can to do help improve the indoor environment. The US Environmental Protection Agency and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America recommend two major strategies to battle “Sick Home Syndrome”,

  1. Source Control – Eliminate any source of contamination or pollution. Dry out damp spaces, fix leaky pipes, remove any source of artificial fragrance (high levels of volatile chemicals), replace cleaning products with non-toxic varieties, do not allow smoking inside the home, clean and dust regularly, use vacuum with HEPA filter.
  2. Ventilate – Increase the amount of outdoor air entering the building envelope. “Solution by Dilution”, ventilation systems can significantly improve a home’s air quality by decreasing the level of contaminants in the air. Reducing the concentration of allergens, pollutants, moisture, mold spores, viral loads, dust particles, etc. with a mechanical ventilation will result in much healthier indoor air environment.

How we can help?

Don’t take chances with your indoor air quality. Call the experts at EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems at (866) 822-7328 or fill out our online form to schedule a consultation.

3 Simple Steps To Make Your Indoor Air Safe For Baby To Breathe

Most children under 24 months old spend about 90 percent of their time indoors, where research proves the air can be two to five times more contaminated than it is outdoors, says Alan Greene, MD, a pediatrician with a special interest in children’s environmental health and the author of Raising Baby Green.

Dirt accumulates indoors for a few reasons:

  • Black carbon from street traffic can seep inside and get trapped, making it difficult for kids to breathe, says New York’s Columbia Center for Children’s Environmental Health (CCCEH). What’s more, tiny airborne particles known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) or as we like to call them “little floaties” originating indoors and also on what we bring into our homes can be very dangerous to a child’s health, upping the risk of cancer and asthma. Then there are the toxins being released into the air from sources like building materials, household furnishings and cleaning products. All of these tiny chemical particles irritate human respiratory track and lungs, especially our tiniest humans.

Here’s three ways to make your indoor air healthier for your baby.

  1. Ventilate.

As long as the outside air quality is good (check it at, ventilation can help. When weather permits, open windows, in your child’s room, in main living spaces and anywhere your family spends time, Greene suggests. Running exhaust fans like kitchen and bathroom fans as well as basement ventilation, like an EZ Breathe Ventilation System that exhaust to the outdoors helps send indoor contaminants packing and creates healthier indoor air quality.

  1. Put a stop to “little floaties” in the air (tiny airborne particles known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs)

When cooking, always use a range hood or stove fan and be sure not to burn, char or blacken food. Ditch the scented candles and incense; instead, use natural herbs and essential oils to freshen the air. Frequently wet-mopping floors and vacuuming carpets (preferably using a vacuum with a HEPA filter) can help eliminate “little floaties” that can attach themselves to dust.

  1. Kick the habit

Never light up a cigarette (or allow anyone else to!) inside your house or anywhere near your child. And remember that third-hand smoke can cling to your hair and clothes, so it’s really best not to puff at all.

Indoor Air | Nashville, TN | EZ Breathe

Indoor Air Quality Can Impact Your Health

Indoor Air Quality Can Impact Your Health

What is indoor air quality (IAQ)?

Indoor air quality describes how the air inside a building or facility affects a person’s health, comfort, and ability to work. It’s a major concern to businesses, employees, and rental managers because indoor air can have a huge impact on the well-being and productivity of employees. Several studies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarded indoor air pollution as a major problem. While most commercial buildings don’t have severe issues, even the most well-maintained buildings can have episodes of poor indoor air. Indoor Air | Nashville, TN | EZ Breathe

According to the EPA, poor indoor air quality can lead to productivity problems and increased absences among employees. It is estimated that all these health consequences cost the government billions of dollars each year due to medical care and productivity loss.

What causes poor indoor air quality?

Indoor air pollution is perhaps one of the most underrated health concerns in commercial and institutional buildings. And it isn’t hard to see why. Outdoor air, when heavily polluted, can be easily noticed (dark smoke, toxic smell, and bitter taste). But indoor air is different. It hides behind the cool and comforting air blown by the AC and the calming smell of air fresheners. And because people don’t see it, it’s easy to dismiss the fact that it exists.

So what makes indoor air polluted?

There are hundreds of air pollutants commonly found in homes and commercial facilities. Among the most common (and harmful) are tobacco smoke, dust, mold and mildew, chemical pollutants, and VOCs.

Cigarette smoke

Even if you or your employees do not smoke inside the building, cigarette smoke can linger on the smoker’s skin and clothes. That’s why when a smoker enters the office, you could smell it right away. Cigarette smoke contains more than 4000 chemical compounds, most of which are highly toxic and detrimental to the respiratory system.


Dust and other environmental pollutants such as mites contribute to indoor air pollution. Without sufficient ventilation, these tiny pollutants can easily circulate around your office, triggering allergy symptoms in some people.

Mold and mildew

When the temperature outside drops and the indoor air is heated, condensation can form around windows, causing moisture. High moisture content in indoor air provides the perfect environment for mold and mildew to thrive. Furthermore, if you have water damage issues in the office, there’s a very high chance that mold and mildew are present too. Indoor Air | Nashville, TN | EZ Breathe

Chemical pollutants

Building materials, office equipment; furniture, wall and floor coverings, upholstery, and virtually every commercially manufactured item in your workplace emit chemical pollutants. They include polybrominated biphenyl (PBB), polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), polyurethane, formaldehyde, and VOCs.

Learn more about how to improve the quality of your indoor air! Contact the professionals at EZ-Breathe! 866-822-7328

Indoor Air Pollution | Nashville, TN | EZ Breathe

How Cooking In Your Kitchen Causes Pollution In Your Home

How Cooking In Your Kitchen Causes Pollution In Your Home

People use a variety of heat sources to cook food, including gas, wood, and electricity. Each of these heat sources can create indoor air pollution during cooking. Natural gas and propane stoves can release carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other harmful pollutants into the air, which can be toxic to people and pets. Using a wood stove or fireplace to cook can result in high levels of indoor air pollution from wood smoke. Indoor Air Pollution | Cleveland, OH | EZ Breathe

Cooking can also generate unhealthy air pollutants from heating oil, fat and other food ingredients, especially at high temperatures. Self-cleaning ovens, whether gas or electric, can create high levels of pollutants as food waste is burned away. Exposure to these can cause or worsen a wide range of health problems such as nose and throat irritation, headaches, fatigue and nausea. Young children, people with asthma and people with heart or lung disease are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of indoor air pollution.

Studies show that air can be unhealthy to breathe when people cook in kitchens with poor ventilation. The best way to ventilate your kitchen is to use a properly-installed, high efficiency range hood over your stove. A high efficiency range hood has a high cubic feet per minute (cfm) rating and a low sones (noise) rating. If you have a gas stove, a qualified technician should inspect it every year for gas leaks and carbon monoxide.

Ways to improve ventilation in your kitchen

If you have a range hood:

  1. Check to make sure it vents to the outdoors.
  2. Use it while cooking or using your stove
  3. Cook on the back burners, if possible, because the range hood exhausts this area more effectively.

If you don’t have a range hood:

  1. Use a wall or ceiling exhaust fan while cooking.
  2. Open windows and/or exterior doors to improve air flow through the kitchen. Indoor Air Pollution | Cleveland, OH | EZ Breathe

The above article provides information about the types of pollutants that can be emitted during cooking and their potential health impacts. You can also learn ways to improve the air quality in your home.

Contact the professionals at EZ-Breathe Ventilation Systems today! 1-866-822-7328

The Dangers of Febreze

The Dangers of Febreze- EZ BreatheThe Dangers of Febreze

Febreze is classified as an air freshener, created by Proctor & Gamble. It reports to work by “trapping” odor molecules in a donut-shaped chemical.

The first thing that is really important to understand: the product does not remove odor molecules and it doesn’t clean the item it comes into contact with.

The odor molecules are still there. Your nose just can’t perceive them because you smell the chemical product instead.

For more related information on how EZ Breathe can help with smells and odors.

That alone should be your first warning. We know inhalation of any chemicals is dangerous, and several of its ingredients listed below are known to irritate the lungs… but this is a chemical whose entire purpose is to be inhaled!

The Natural Resources Defense Council studied the effects of air fresheners, discovering that they currently undergo no safety testing. The results were disturbing, because they revealed high levels of phthalates, which are known to be especially harmful to children. These chemicals were even present in sprays which were claimed to be “All-Natural” and “unscented”. Phthalates were not disclosed in the list of ingredients for any of the products. “Phthalates are hormone-disrupting chemicals that can be particularly dangerous for young children and unborn babies. Exposure to phthalates can affect testosterone levels and lead to reproductive abnormalities, including abnormal genitalia and reduced sperm production. The State of California notes that five types of phthalates — including one that we found in air freshener products — are ‘known to cause birth defects or reproductive harm.’” — Natural Resources Defense Council

1,4- Dichlorobenzene is a chemical that is found in the blood of 96% of Americans. It has been linked to lung damage, is a known carcinogen, and it is an E.P.A. registered pesticide. Studies found it to increase rates of asthma. It can be found in the majority of air fresheners, toilet deodorizers, and mothballs. It works by attacking the receptors in the nose, and thus eliminating the sense of smell. This is how the new generation of air fresheners actually “freshen”. This chemical was introduced into the American market with the Febreze product from Proctor & Gamble. The new generation of air fresheners that were inspired by the success of Febreze are literally using chemical warfare to destroy their customers’ sense of smell. That lack of smell is where the illusion of freshness comes from. The user only smells these air fresheners for about a minute after they have been sprayed, and then the nose cannot smell most fragrances anymore. This is not a normal adjustment to odors, anymore than a loss of one of the other four senses. The process is the equivalent of using a chemical blinding agent to escape the unpleasantness of a bright light; when that chemical is known to be both poisonous and carcinogenic. By design, the freshening chemical causes damage to the mucous membrane, which is claimed to be temporary. However, no long-term studies have ever been done to test the effects of chronic exposure. It is important to remember that anything inhaled is immediately absorbed into the blood through the lungs relatively unchanged.

Unfortunately there is not much data being shared on Febreze and their many products, but the Environmental Working Group (EWG) did conduct a test for the ingredients of one of their products, Febreze Air Effects.

Shockingly, P&G only disclosed THREE ingredients in this product, but the EWG…they found 87 chemicals in total!

Now this is just one Febreze product, but the fact that only 3 ingredients were disclosed and that so many undisclosed ingredients are dangerous, it’s safe to assume that their other air fresheners are just as dangerous.

Febreze Ingredients

Below you’ll find a list of just some of the 87 chemicals found by the EWG in Febreze Air Effects, listed in order of their toxicity to humans:

  • BHT – Known as a neurotoxin, endocrine disruptor, immunotoxicity, non-reproductive organ system toxicity, skin eye and lung irritator
  • Acetaldehyde – Known to cause cancer, toxic to reproduction and development, immunotoxin, non-reproductive organ system toxin, skin, eye and lung irritator
  • “Fragrance” – One of the three ingredients actually disclosed, it’s a neurotoxin, immunotoxin and allergen
  • Propylene Glycol – Causes cancer, allergies, toxic to immune system, accumulates in the system, non-reproductive organ system toxin, is classified with “enhanced skin absorption” and irritates the skin, eye and lung
  • 1,3-Dichloro-2-propanol – Carcinogenic (causes cancer)
  • Limonene – Allergen, immunotoxin and skin, eyes and lung irritator
  • Methyl pyrrolidone – Toxin to reproduction and development, allergen and immunotoxin, non-reproductive organ system toxin and skin, eyes and lung irritator
  • Alcohol denatured – Also disclosed in the ingredients of Febreze, it’s linked to cancer, developmental/reproductive toxicity, organ system toxicity and skin, eyes and lung irritator
  • Butylphenyl methylpropion al – allergen, immunotoxin and and skin, eyes and lung irritator
  • Ethyl acetate – linked to developmental/reproductive toxicity, neurotoxicity, organic system toxicity and and skin, eyes and lung irritator
  • Geraniol – Linked to allergies, immunotoxicity, organi system toxicity and and skin, eyes and lung irritation
  • Linalool – allergen, immunotoxin, and and skin, eyes and lung irritator
  • Benzaldehyde – neurotoxin, and skin, eyes and lung irritator
  • Diethylene glycol monoethyl ether – non-reproductive organ system toxicity
  • Ethylhezanol – developmental and reproductive toxin and skin, eyes and lung irritator
  • Hexyl cinnamal – allergen, immunotoxin and skin, eyes and lung irritator
  • And way too many more…

You can find the EWG’s full report on the dangers of Febreze and other common cleaners here.

Removing Odors Naturally

Again, it’s important to understand that these types of products are not only dangerous to our health, but they aren’t actually cleaning the air or eliminating odor. They are just masking it…the bacteria and molecules are still hanging around, maybe even making you sick themselves.

If you really want to remove odors naturally there are two recommendations I have:

  1. Types of Houseplants That Clean the Air – In this article I’ll point out the best houseplants to use to freshen indoor air, as well as just how effective they really are.
  2. Removing Odor Naturally – Here I’ll show you how you can actually remove odors for all kinds of surfaces…safely, easily and naturally.
  3. ACTUALLY Purify the Air: Febreze doesn’t purify, but only masks odors. But essential oils can actually purify the air and eliminates odor.

Source: The Dangers of Febreze.

Indoor Air Quality | Nashville, TN | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

The Following Is How Moisture Impacts Your Indoor Air Quality

The Following Is How Moisture Impacts Your Indoor Air Quality

Moisture is a good thing. When the air in the home is too dry, it can feel stale. It can also dry up your skin and leave your eyes and throat feeling itchy and dry. Dry air can also make it easier to catch flus, colds and other respiratory infections.

Indoor Air Quality | Nashville, TN | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

This doesn’t mean moisture is always a good thing. Too much moisture can also be dangerous to your health and the state of your home.

High humidity and indoor air quality

High moisture levels can diminish your home’s indoor air qualityin many ways:

  1. High humidity levels can leave your home feeling too warm and stuffy. The high moisture levels in the air prevent the sweat on your skin from evaporating and cooling your body. You’ll continue feeling hot and sweaty even when you’re in your home.
  2. Turning on the air conditioner won’t improve matters one bit. It’s much harder to cool air with high humidity levels. You’d have to turn your air conditioner really low to begin to feel any effect.
  3. High moisture levels will also threaten your health by providing ideal conditions for the growth and propagation of mold and mildew. Mold spores are allergens. They can also cause other illnesses, especially for those with compromised immune systems.

The solution

Dealing with high humidity levels requires a combination of various solutions for the best results. These include:

  1. Installing a dehumidifier

This will work in conjunction with your HVAC system to control the levels of humidity in your home. You can ensure your home is comfortable and reduce the amount of energy required to heat or cool the home.

Indoor Air Quality | Nashville, TN | EZ Breathe Ventilation System
  1. Installing a whole-home ventilation system

Many people shut their doors and windows then turn on their HVAC systems to keep their homes cool in the summer. This, however, results in the humid stale air being recirculated. The result is a humid home.

A whole-home ventilation system ensures that the stale and humid air within the home is expelled to the outside of the home. Fresh air is then brought into the home.

  1.  Waterproof your basement

The state of the air in your basement affects the indoor air qualityof the rest of the home. Waterproofing your basement ensures that the basement remains dry. This in turn keeps humidity levels in the home low.

Keep an eye on the levels of humidity in your home for the sake of your health and comfort.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation System Today! 866-822-7328

Mold Testing | New Jersey | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

How Important Is Testing Your Air Quality

How Important Is Testing Your Air Quality

It’s not uncommon to find homeowners confused about whether they need mold testing or air quality testing when they want to diagnose a moisture or mold problem. While some unscrupulous salesmen will tell you that both tests are the same, there are differences that you should be aware of. Learning about these differences will help you make an informed decision when the time comes.

Mold Testing | New Jersey | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Mold tests

Mold testingis the procedure that involves physically taking samples of material, inserting them in solutions and heating for the color to change for interpretation.

There are various types of mold tests available today. Instant mold tests may provide you with quick confirmation but will not tell you what type of mold you’re dealing with. They will also not tell you how deep the infestation is. You may therefore not be aware of how serious your mold problem is.

Air quality tests

These test involve analyzing air samples that have been collected from a room. The air is passed through a filter and the particles that are captured on the filter tested. The results of the test will tell you what type of particles are floating in the air in that particular room. Examples of particles include mold spores, pollen, asbestos and other allergens.

The results of these tests provide a very accurate picture of what is in the air in your home. They give you a clear indication of the level of pollution by providing the concentrations of different pollutants.

Mold Testing | New Jersey | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Which test should you opt for?

The answer to this question depends on what information you need. However, professional mold testing will often include air quality testing.

A combination of the two tests will give you a clear picture of the type and level of pollutants in your home. These tests are quick and simple when done by professionals with the right equipment and experience. They’ll provide you with accurate results that will help you make an informed decision on what to do to protect your family.

You may be tempted to use a home mold testingkit to save money. These kits are easy to use and provide quick results. However, they won’t give you a clear picture of what’s in your home. If you want to know how serious your problem is and what you should do about it, get in touch with a professional inspector to have your home tested for mold and other air pollutants.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation System Today! 866-822-7328