Indoor Air Quality | Nashville, TN | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Main Factors That Influence Indoor Air Quality

Main Factors That Influence Indoor Air Quality

Everyone knows that pollution is a bad thing, but often the term pollution is used in reference to big cities and the outdoor environment. However, there is an equally important concern: indoor air pollution.

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Indoor air quality and pollution

According to the CDC, research over the last few years has established that indoor air can be more seriously contaminated compared to the outdoor air even in the biggest cities. Also, as noted by the CDC, because people spend nearly 90% of their time indoors, the health risk of exposure to air pollution while indoors may exceed the risks associated with outdoor pollution.

Along the same line, the World Health Organization has estimated that about 4.3 million people globally die every year as a result of indoor air pollution. It for this reason that John Bower, the founder of Healthy House Institute, argued that walking into a building today can sometimes be likened to putting your head into a plastic bag that is full poisonous fumes.

How basements contribute to poor indoor air quality

In the United States, basement are one of the major causes of indoor pollution. This is because many basements are often damp and dirty. High moisture in basements causes the growth of mold. As the mold grows, it pollutes the air through the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

VOCs and mold spores are associated with health issues such as allergies and respiratory problems. The musty odors that are associated with mold are also uncomfortable. Also, a high level of humidity in basements makes it possible for air to carry many other types of harmful pollutants.

The connection between basements and your home’s indoor air quality is due to the fact that about 50% of the air you breathe on the first floor circulates through the basement. Therefore, if the air in the basement is polluted due to mold and other harmful compounds, there is a high chance that your indoor air quality will be poor.

Indoor Air Quality | Nashville, TN | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Basement waterproofing as a solution to indoor air pollution

Basement waterproofing involves addressing the issues that make basements wet to prevent the growth of mold and eliminate the basement’s clamminess. The process helps improve indoor air quality in the following ways:

  • Keeping the basement dry – Basement waterproofing techniques such as sealing foundation wall cracks and improving the drainage around a basement help keep away water and moisture. This keeps the basement dry and prevents dampness and other harmful effects of high humidity on indoor air.
  • Preventing the growth of mold – Mold thrives in wet or humid conditions. Therefore, if you keep your basement dry through waterproofing, you make the space unconducive for mold to grow.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation System Today! 866-822-7328

Indoor Air Quality | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

How To Know If You Have A Superior Ventilation System In Your Home

How To Know If You Have A Superior Ventilation System In Your Home

Ventilation is the process of intentionally introducing outdoor air into spaces such as houses or rooms while removing stale air. The aim of ventilation is to regulate indoor air quality by displacing and diluting indoor pollutants. A good ventilation system should therefore be able to remove or dilute any indoor pollutants and distribute fresh air in your house.

Indoor Air Quality  | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Ventilation systems also play numerous roles that improve the quality of indoor air. Below are four benefits of a good ventilation system.

  1. Controls air impurities

It is important for every home or building to have good circulation of indoor air in order to constantly get a supply of fresh air. A constant supply of fresh air into a building reduces the risk of indoor air pollution. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 4.3 million people across the world die annually as a result of poor indoor air quality.

A good ventilation system helps improve indoor air quality by expelling different types of pollutants including bacteria, moisture, musty odors and dust.

  1. Stops condensation

Another benefit of a good ventilation system is that it stops condensation in any indoor space. Condensation occurs as a result of a buildup of moisture. The moisture condenses on various sources to form water droplets.

Condensation can lead to the growth of mold on various surfaces including drywalls, walls and floors. Another problem that stems from condensation is wood decay, which occurs when wooden items have a moisture content that exceeds 20%. 

By removing moisture, a ventilation system helps stop problems such as condensation and growth of mold, thus improving indoor air quality.

  1. Regulates air

Unless you have installed a good ventilation system, you are not able to control the movement of air in your home. Too much cold air coming in may mean high energy costs due to heating. A good ventilation system controls the amount of air that enters a building and ensures that your indoor air is of the right quality and has the right temperature.

Indoor Air Quality  | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System
  1. Controls air temperature

The ability to control air temperature is a notable benefit of a good ventilation system. Room temperatures change due to factors such as weather, the location of the room, the number and size of windows, and the number of people in a room.

A good ventilation system adjusts the temperature accordingly so that your indoor space does not become hot and stuffy when there are many people or when the incoming air becomes hotter.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation System Today! 866-822-7328

Indoor Air Quality | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

How Poor Indoor Air Quality Affects Your Workouts

How Poor Indoor Air Quality Affects Your Workouts

Physical activity is encouraged for greater wellness. However, not everyone is able to leave their homes to work out outdoors or in a gym. There are many who opt to work out at home. This is an easy and convenient solution, especially during winter when conditions outside aren’t favorable.

While getting your body moving for a few minutes is great for your overall wellness, the state of indoor air quality in your home may be having the opposite effect on your health.

Indoor Air Quality | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

When we exercise, we take deeper breaths more frequently. In addition, getting your heart pumping will often mean that you’re sidestepping your nose and that all-important filtration system that it provides. If you’re working out at home with poor indoor air quality,you’re inhaling pollutants that could affect your health in the long term.

The air in many homes contains a wide variety of pollutants. These include carbon monoxide, allergens, dust, carbon dioxide as well as chemicals from carpeting, smoke, cleaning products and much more. Exposure to these pollutants can cause a variety of health problems over time. You may notice that you feel more fatigued or have developed conditions such as asthma, high blood pressure, cognitive dysfunction, heart problems and much more.

Improve indoor air quality for better health

Studies have shown that the indoor air quality in many residential properties is many times more polluted than the air outdoors. Therefore, the best way to ensure your health while working out is to get out of the house and exercise outdoors. However, this isn’t always possible. The weather may interfere with your efforts to work out or you may be too shy to workout outdoors.

If you prefer to work out at home, you should work to improve the quality of air in your home. There are various ways you can do this.

  1. Bring in some greenery

Add plants to your indoor space to improve air quality. You should look for plants that are known particularly for their ability to purify air.

  • Install a whole home ventilation system
Indoor Air Quality | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Leaving the windows open isn’t an option when weather conditions outside are unfavorable. It can get too cold in the winter and too hot and humid in the summer. A great solution to ensure better air quality is to install a whole-home ventilation system. These systems get rid of polluted indoor air and pump fresh air from the outdoors into the home.

Do you work out at home? You may want to check the quality of the air in your home for better health.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation System Today! 866-455-1376


Indoor Air Quality | Cleveland, OH | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Good Health Starts At Your Home

Good health starts at your home.

US Department of Housing and Urban Development, National Center for Healthy Housing and the Building Performance Institute all agree a healthy home supports a healthy family.

Why I should care?

You deserve to live in a healthy home. Your home can support the health of your family as much as diet and lifestyle. It’s important to know how to make your home safe & healthy for your own health concerns. Here are some simple steps to get you started!

How I can have a Healthy Home?

 Keep it DRY

Damp homes provide an environment for dust mites, roaches, rodents and molds. All of these can cause or worsen asthma. In addition, moisture can damage the building materials in your home.


Levels of contaminants such as lead, radon, carbon monoxide, asbestos, secondhand smoke, and other chemicals are often much higher indoors.

 Keep it PEST FREE

Exposure to pests such as roaches and rodents can trigger an asthma attack.

 Keep it SAFE

Injuries such as falls, burns, and poisonings occur most often in the home, especially with children and seniors.

 Keep it CLEAN

Clean homes reduce pest infestation and exposures to contaminants.


Poorly maintained homes are at risk for moisture, pest problems, and injury hazards. Deteriorated leadbased paint is the primary cause of children being harmed by lead.


Ventilate bathrooms, kitchens and damp places and use whole house ventilation for supplying fresh air to reduce the concentration of contaminants in the home and to increase respiratory health.


Homes that do not have balanced and consistent temperatures may place your family at increased risk from exposure to extreme cold, heat, or humidity.

Indoor Air Quality | Cleveland, OH | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Indoor Air Quality: 4 Benefits of a Good Ventilation System

Indoor Air Quality: 4 Benefits of a Good Ventilation System

Ventilation is the process of intentionally introducing outdoor air into spaces such as houses or rooms while removing stale air. The aim of ventilation is to regulate indoor air quality by displacing and diluting indoor pollutants. A good ventilation system should therefore be able to remove or dilute any indoor pollutants and distribute fresh air in your house. Indoor Air Quality | Cleveland, OH | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Ventilation systems also play numerous roles that improve the quality of indoor air. Below are four benefits of a good ventilation system.

  1. Controls air impurities

It is important for every home or building to have good circulation of indoor air in order to constantly get a supply of fresh air. A constant supply of fresh air into a building reduces the risk of indoor air pollution. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 4.3 million people across the world die annually as a result of poor indoor air quality.

A good ventilation system helps improve indoor air quality by expelling different types of pollutants including bacteria, moisture, musty odors and dust.

  1. Stops condensation

Another benefit of a good ventilation system is that it stops condensation in any indoor space. Condensation occurs as a result of a buildup of moisture. The moisture condenses on various sources to form water droplets.

Condensation can lead to the growth of mold on various surfaces including drywalls, walls and floors. Another problem that stems from condensation is wood decay, which occurs when wooden items have a moisture content that exceeds 20%.

By removing moisture, a ventilation system helps stop problems such as condensation and growth of mold, thus improving indoor air quality.  Indoor Air Quality | Cleveland, OH | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

  1. Regulates air

Unless you have installed a good ventilation system, you are not able to control the movement of air in your home. Too much cold air coming in may mean high energy costs due to heating. A good ventilation system controls the amount of air that enters a building and ensures that your indoor air is of the right quality and has the right temperature.

  1. Controls air temperature

The ability to control air temperature is a notable benefit of a good ventilation system. Room temperatures change due to factors such as weather, the location of the room, the number and size of windows, and the number of people in a room.

A good ventilation system adjusts the temperature accordingly so that your indoor space does not become hot and stuffy when there are many people or when the incoming air becomes hotter.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation System Today! 866-822-7328