
Benefits of Investing in an EZ Breathe Dehumidifier

Now that we understand the EZ Breathe Dehumidifier’s features, let’s explore the numerous benefits it offers for homeowners:

Improved Indoor Air Quality:indoor-air-hazards-EZ Breathe-1

The EZ Breathe continuously circulates fresh air throughout your home, reducing the concentration of allergens, pollutants, and airborne contaminants.

Mold and Mildew Prevention:

By maintaining optimal humidity levels, the EZ Breathe prevents mold and mildew growth, protecting your home and your family’s health.

Reduced Allergies and Respiratory Issues:

Lower humidity levels can alleviate allergy symptoms and reduce the risk of respiratory problems caused by mold spores and dust mites.

Enhanced Comfort:

A balanced indoor humidity level ensures year-round comfort, making your home more enjoyable and conducive to relaxation.

Energy Savings:

The EZ Breathe’s energy-efficient operation can lead to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills, contributing to long-term savings.

Peace of Mind:

With the EZ Breathe Dehumidifier, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing your home is a healthier, more comfortable place to live.

Installation and Maintenance

Installing and maintaining the EZ Breathe Dehumidifier is straightforward, making it an even more attractive investment for homeowners. Here’s what you need to know:


Professional installation is recommended for the EZ Breathe Dehumidifier, as it involves the integration of the system into your home’s existing ventilation. A certified technician will assess your home’s needs and install the unit accordingly.

Minimal Maintenance:

The EZ Breathe system requires minimal maintenance compared to traditional dehumidifiers. You won’t need to empty water buckets or frequently change filters. Occasional cleaning of the unit’s core is typically sufficient.


Benefits of Investing in an EZ Breathe Dehumidifier

With proper maintenance and care, the EZ Breathe Dehumidifier can provide years of reliable performance, ensuring ongoing humidity control and comfort in your home.

Investing in an EZ Breathe Dehumidifier for your home is a wise decision that offers numerous benefits. From improved indoor air quality and health to enhanced comfort and energy savings, the EZ Breathe system provides comprehensive humidity control while requiring minimal maintenance. It is a silent, energy-efficient, and hassle-free solution for homeowners seeking to create a healthier, more comfortable living environment for themselves and their families. Don’t wait until humidity-related issues arise; invest in an EZ Breathe Dehumidifier today to enjoy the long-term benefits it offers for your home.


Tips for Keeping the Air in Your Home Healthy

The air we breathe plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being, and it’s essential to ensure that the air inside our homes is as clean and healthy as possible. Poor indoor air quality can lead to a range of health issues, from allergies and respiratory problems to more severe conditions. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and strategies to help you maintain healthy indoor air.

1. Regular Ventilationindoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-1

Proper ventilation is one of the most effective ways to ensure healthy indoor air. It helps remove indoor pollutants and bring in fresh outdoor air. To achieve this, open windows and doors when weather permits, use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens and consider installing an energy-efficient heat recovery ventilator (HRV) or an air exchange system for continuous fresh air circulation.

2. Maintain Your HVAC System

Your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system plays a crucial role in indoor air quality. Regular maintenance, including changing filters and cleaning ducts, is essential to prevent the buildup of dust, allergens, and mold within your system. A well-maintained HVAC system will ensure efficient air circulation and filtration.

3. Use High-Quality Air Filters

Choose high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters for your HVAC system or standalone air purifiers. HEPA filters can capture particles as small as 0.3 microns, effectively removing allergens, dust, pet dander, and even some viruses and bacteria from the air. Be sure to replace filters according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

4. Control Humidity Levels

Maintaining the right humidity level is crucial for healthy indoor air. High humidity can lead to mold growth, while low humidity can cause dry skin and respiratory issues. Invest in a humidifier or dehumidifier to keep humidity levels within the optimal range, typically between 30% and 50%.

5. Reduce or Eliminate Smoking Indoors

Smoking indoors is one of the most significant contributors to poor indoor air quality. Secondhand smoke contains harmful chemicals that can linger in your home for a long time, increasing the risk of respiratory problems and other health issues. Establish a strict no-smoking policy inside your home to protect your family’s health.

6. Use Natural Cleaning Products

Many commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals that release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air, contributing to indoor air pollution. Opt for natural cleaning solutions or make your own using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. These alternatives are safer for your health and the environment.

7. Keep Your Home Clean

Regular cleaning is essential for maintaining healthy indoor air. Dust and vacuum regularly, paying close attention to carpets, rugs, and upholstery. Wash bedding, curtains, and other fabric items frequently to reduce the buildup of allergens like dust mites and pet dander. Also, don’t forget to clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces to minimize the spread of germs.

8. Avoid Synthetic Fragrances

Many air fresheners and scented candles contain synthetic fragrances that can release harmful chemicals into the air. Instead, opt for natural alternatives like essential oil diffusers or open windows to let in fresh air. Be cautious about the products you use to scent your home and choose ones labeled as non-toxic or free from synthetic fragrances.

9. Limit Indoor Plants

While indoor plants can improve air quality by absorbing some pollutants, they can also contribute to mold growth if overwatered. Be mindful of your plant care routine and choose plants that are less likely to promote humidity and mold issues.

10. Test for Radon and Carbon Monoxide


Radon gas and carbon monoxide (CO) are colorless and odorless, making them difficult to detect without testing. Radon testing kits and CO detectors are readily available and can provide early warning if these hazards are present in your home. Ensure that you have functioning detectors and that they are placed in appropriate locations.

In conclusion, maintaining healthy indoor air quality is essential for your well-being and the well-being of your loved ones. By following these tips and being proactive in creating a clean and ventilated living space, you can breathe easier, reduce the risk of respiratory problems, and enjoy a healthier, more comfortable home. Prioritizing healthy indoor air is a small investment with significant long-term benefits for your family’s health and quality of life.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe  Today! 866-822-7328


Hazardous Home Odors: Protecting Your Health and Indoor Air Quality

Every home has its unique scent, but not all odors are harmless. While we often rely on air fresheners and diffusers to maintain a fresh ambiance, some odors might be warning signs of hidden health hazards lurking in our homes. In this article, we’ll delve into three common household odors—paint smells, musty odors, and pickle-like scents—and explore how they can compromise your indoor air quality and, ultimately, your well-being. We’ll also provide actionable tips to address these issues effectively.

1. The Perils of Paint Smells

The tantalizing scent of fresh paint is a familiar one, often associated with home improvement and redecorating projects. While itAir Quality Index, air quality forecast, Air Quality Health Advisory, Sensitive Groups, air pollution poses, Current Air Quality, Air Quality Data, Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups, may be tempting to embrace this fragrance, it conceals a range of health risks that warrant our attention. Let’s delve deeper into the perils of paint smells and why they should not be taken lightly.

Understanding VOCs: Paint smells primarily result from the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the surrounding air as paint dries. These VOCs are comprised of various chemicals, including formaldehyde, toluene, and benzene, which have been linked to numerous health issues.

Health Implications: Exposure to VOCs can lead to both short-term and long-term health problems. Short-term health effects include eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and nausea. These symptoms are prevalent during or shortly after painting.

However, the long-term consequences of VOC exposure should concern us the most. Scientific studies have established a direct link between VOCs and the development of various forms of cancer, including lung cancer and leukemia. Prolonged exposure to these harmful compounds can also contribute to respiratory issues, such as asthma and bronchitis.

Protecting Your Health: Given these potential risks, it is imperative to take proactive measures to safeguard your health and indoor air quality when undertaking painting projects.

1. Opt for Low-VOC or VOC-Free Paints: When choosing paint for your home, look for low-VOC or VOC-free options. These paints emit significantly fewer harmful compounds into the air, reducing your exposure and promoting healthier indoor air quality.

2. Enhance Ventilation: Proper ventilation is key to minimizing the concentration of smoke and VOCs in your living space. Open windows and doors to allow fresh outdoor air to circulate while painting. Additionally, consider using exhaust fans to expedite the removal of fumes.

3. Invest in Quality Tools: High-quality paintbrushes and rollers can help minimize paint splatter and excessive fumes. This not only ensures a smoother finish but also reduces the amount of VOCs released into the air.

4. Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): When painting, don’t forget to wear appropriate protective gear, including a mask or respirator, safety goggles, and gloves, to shield yourself from direct exposure to paint fumes.

5. Follow the Manufacturer’s Recommendations: Always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions regarding drying and curing times. This helps ensure that the paint releases fewer VOCs as it dries.

By taking these precautions, you can enjoy the transformative power of paint in your home while minimizing the associated health risks. Remember, your well-being should always be a top priority when embarking on any home improvement project involving paint.

2. Battling Musty Odors

Musty odors can be particularly unsettling, as they often hint at a hidden and insidious problem lurking within our homes. These odors are most prevalent in areas with high humidity levels, such as kitchens, basements, bathrooms, and even in seldom-used cupboards. While they may seem harmless on the surface, musty odors are typically indicative of a more sinister issue: mold and mildew infestations. Let’s explore the dangers associated with musty odors and the critical steps to battle this menace effectively.

The Mold and Mildew Connection: Musty odors are frequently caused by the presence of mold and mildew, two types of fungi that thrive in damp, humid environments. These microorganisms reproduce by releasing spores into the air, which can have detrimental effects on human health when inhaled.

Health Implications: Exposure to mold and mildew spores can lead to a range of health problems, particularly for individuals with allergies, asthma, or compromised immune systems. Common health issues associated with mold and mildew exposure include:

1. Allergic Reactions: Mold spores can trigger allergic reactions, leading to symptoms like sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, and skin rashes.

2. Respiratory Problems: Prolonged exposure to mold can exacerbate respiratory conditions, such as asthma, and may even contribute to the development of new respiratory issues.

3. Infections: Certain types of mold can cause infections, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems.

4. Irritation: Mold and mildew exposure can irritate the eyes, throat, and skin, causing discomfort and potential long-term health concerns.

Taking Action Against Musty Odors: If you detect a musty smell in your home, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly to protect your health and maintain good indoor air quality.

1. Professional Inspection: Contact a certified mold remediation specialist to conduct a thorough inspection of your home. These professionals can identify the extent of the infestation and recommend appropriate steps for remediation.

2. Mold Remediation: Investing in professional mold remediation is essential to eliminate the source of the problem. This process may involve removing affected materials, repairing leaks, and improving ventilation to prevent future mold growth.

3. Dehumidification: Use dehumidifiers in areas prone to both heat and high humidity, such as basements and bathrooms, to reduce moisture levels and create an inhospitable environment for mold and mildew.

4. Regular Maintenance: Routinely inspect your home for potential moisture issues, such as leaky pipes or damaged roofing, and address them promptly to prevent mold growth.

5. Improved Ventilation: Enhance indoor air circulation to prevent the accumulation of moisture. Ensure that exhaust fans are functioning correctly in bathrooms and kitchens.

By taking these measures, you can effectively combat musty odors and the associated health risks. Remember that early detection and proactive intervention are key to maintaining a healthy indoor environment for you and your family. Don’t underestimate the importance of addressing musty odors—they are a warning sign that should not be ignored.

3. Unveiling the Mystery of Pickle-Like Odors

A peculiar pickle-like odor wafting through the air in your home may seem harmless, but it can actually serve as a silent indicator of a hidden and potentially hazardous substance—formaldehyde. In this section, we’ll delve deeper into the enigmatic world of pickle-like odors, revealing the presence of formaldehyde in your living environment and its associated health risks.

Understanding Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde is a colorless, pungent-smelling gas composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is a ubiquitous chemical used in various household products and building materials. You can find formaldehyde in items such as disinfectants, resins, fixatives, preservatives, adhesives, and even certain types of wood products like pressed wood furniture and paneling.

Health Implications: Formaldehyde is classified as a volatile organic compound (VOC) and is considered a known human carcinogen by numerous health organizations, including the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Prolonged exposure to formaldehyde can lead to severe health issues, including:

1. Respiratory Problems: Inhaling formaldehyde can irritate the respiratory tract, leading to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

2. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may develop allergic reactions upon exposure, leading to symptoms like skin rashes and itchy eyes.

3. Carcinogenicity: Long-term exposure to formaldehyde has been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers, particularly nasal and nasopharyngeal cancers.

Protecting Your Health: Given the health risks associated with formaldehyde exposure, it is essential to take steps to minimize your risk of contact with this chemical.

1. Enhance Ventilation: Adequate ventilation is crucial to reduce ozone and formaldehyde concentrations in your home. Ensure good airflow by opening windows and using exhaust fans when needed.

2. Seek Low-Formaldehyde Products: When purchasing household products or furnishings, look for those labeled as low in formaldehyde content. Consider opting for alternatives that use safer adhesives and materials.

3. Whole-Home Ventilation: Consider investing in an EZ Breathe whole-home ventilation system, as mentioned earlier in the article. Such systems can significantly improve indoor air quality and help reduce your exposure to formaldehyde and other indoor air pollutants.

4. Regular Indoor Air Quality Testing: Periodically test your indoor air quality to identify any potential sources of formaldehyde or other harmful substances. This can help you take timely action to the poor air quality and address any issues.

By being proactive in minimizing formaldehyde exposure, you can create a healthier indoor environment for you and your family. The subtle pickle-like odor should serve as a reminder to prioritize indoor air quality and take the necessary precautions to protect your health. Don’t underestimate the significance of formaldehyde—its effects on your well-being are real and should not be ignored.

Prioritizing Health and Indoor Air Quality

In our journey through the world of household odors, we’ve uncovered a crucial truth—our homes, while comforting and familiar, can sometimes conceal hidden health hazards. From the intoxicating aroma of fresh paint to the musty, mysterious scent reminiscent of pickles, these seemingly innocuous odors are harbingers of serious air pollution and potential risks to our well-more serious health effects, air pollution levels, Environmental Protection Agency, little or no risk, Particle Pollution, particulate pollutionbeing. To ensure a safe and healthy living environment, it’s imperative to prioritize your health and elevate indoor air quality.

The Value of a Healthy Home: Your home should be a sanctuary—a place where you and your loved ones thrive, breathe easily, and enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Yet, it’s also a space where many areas you can unknowingly encounter threats to your health. By being aware of these hidden dangers and taking proactive measures, you can transform your home into a haven of well-being.

Your Health is Paramount: Your health should always be your top priority. Exposure to pollution, the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in paint fumes, the insidious mold and mildew lurking behind musty odors, and the pervasive presence of formaldehyde should never be taken lightly. These health risks are real, and their consequences can be severe.

Proactive Measures for a Healthier Home: The key to mitigating these risks lies in proactive action. Here are some crucial steps you can take:

1. Awareness: Educate yourself about common household hazards and their telltale odors, as we’ve discussed in this article.

2. Prevention: Choose low-VOC or VOC-free products when decorating your home, enhance ventilation, and invest in advanced ventilation systems like EZ Breathe to reduce exposure to pollutants.

3. Early Detection: Promptly address any unusual odors by seeking professional inspections and remediation when necessary. The sooner you act, the less harm these hazards can inflict.

4. Regular Maintenance: Maintain your home’s integrity by fixing leaks, addressing moisture issues, and ensuring proper ventilation throughout your living spaces.

5. Healthy Choices: Make informed decisions when purchasing household products and furnishings, favoring those with lower levels of harmful compounds.

A Brighter, Healthier Tomorrow: In conclusion, your home should be a source of comfort, safety, and well-being. By prioritizing health and elevating indoor air quality, you can create a living environment where you and your family can thrive. Don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance when needed, and never underestimate the importance of safeguarding your health within the walls of your home. Your actions today will contribute to a brighter, healthier tomorrow for you and your loved ones.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Today! Phone: 866-822-7328


Improving Indoor Air Quality for a Healthier Home Environment

Improving Indoor Air Quality for a Healthier Home Environment

In the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, we often focus on diet, exercise, and mental well-being. However, one critical aspect that tends to be overlooked is the quality of the air we breathe indoors. Indoor air quality (IAQ) plays a substantial role in our overall health and comfort, as we spend a significant amount of our time indoors, whether at home, in the office, or in other enclosed spaces. Understanding the importance of IAQ and taking steps to improve it can have a profound impact on our well-being.

The Significance of Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality refers to the condition of the air inside buildings and structures as it relates to the health and comfort of occupants. It’s influenced by a variety of factors, including the presence of pollutants, humidity levels, ventilation, and the materials used in building construction and furnishings. Poor IAQ can result in a range of health issues, from minor discomfort like headaches and fatigue to more serious respiratory problems and allergies. Long-term exposure to indoor pollutants has even been linked to chronic health conditions like asthma and cardiovascular diseases.

Common Indoor Air Pollutantsindoor-air-quality-macedonia-oh-ez-breathe-1

Several sources contribute to indoor air pollutants. These include volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted from household products such as paints, cleaning agents, and furniture. Particulate matter, such as dust, pollen, and pet dander, can also degrade indoor air quality. Additionally, inadequate ventilation can lead to the accumulation of carbon dioxide, leading to feelings of stuffiness and reduced cognitive function.

Strategies for Improving Indoor Air Quality

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: Regular cleaning of floors, surfaces, and upholstery can help reduce the buildup of dust and allergens. Vacuum cleaners equipped with HEPA filters are particularly effective at trapping small particles.

Proper Ventilation: Adequate ventilation is crucial for maintaining good IAQ. Opening windows and using exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms can help to remove pollutants and bring in fresh air.

Air Purifiers: Air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters and activated carbon can effectively remove airborne particles and odors, enhancing the air quality within a space.

Reducing VOC Emissions: When renovating or redecorating, choose low-VOC or VOC-free paints, adhesives, and building materials to minimize the emission of harmful chemicals.

Indoor Plants: Certain indoor plants, such as snake plants and peace lilies, can help naturally purify the air by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen.

Maintaining Humidity Levels: Keeping indoor humidity levels between 30% and 50% can prevent mold growth and dust mites, which thrive in more humid environments.

Avoid Smoking Indoors: Tobacco smoke is a potent indoor air pollutant and should be strictly avoided indoors.

Regular HVAC Maintenance: Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems should be regularly inspected and maintained to ensure they are operating efficiently and not spreading pollutants.

The Benefits of Good Indoor Air Quality

Investing time and effort into improving indoor air quality can yield numerous benefits. Firstly, it can lead to improved respiratory health, reduced allergies, and fewer headaches and fatigue. A healthier indoor environment also promotes better cognitive function and productivity. Moreover, clean indoor air is particularly crucial for vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, and individuals with preexisting health conditions.indoor-air-quality-macedonia-oh-ez-breathe-2

As we continue to prioritize our well-being, it’s imperative to recognize the role that indoor air quality plays in our daily lives. The steps we take to improve IAQ can have lasting effects on our health and comfort. By adopting simple practices such as regular cleaning, proper ventilation, and conscious material choices, we can create a home environment that supports our physical and mental well-being. Remember, the air we breathe indoors should be as clean and refreshing as the outdoor air we cherish.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Today! 330-468-6500


Improving Indoor Air Quality A Comprehensive Guide

Improving Indoor Air Quality A Comprehensive Guide

Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the quality of the air inside buildings and its impact on the health and well-being of occupants. With most individuals spending a significant amount of time indoors, maintaining good IAQ is crucial. Poor indoor air quality can lead to various health issues, including respiratory problems, allergies, and reduced cognitive function. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective strategies to improve indoor air quality and create a healthier living environment.

Keep Your Home Clean

Regular cleaning is a fundamentalindoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-1 step in maintaining good IAQ. Dust, pet dander, pollen, and other particles can accumulate on surfaces and in carpets, contributing to poor air quality. Vacuum frequently using a vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter to trap fine particles. Dust surfaces regularly with a damp cloth to prevent stirring up allergens into the air. Additionally, wash bedding, curtains, and upholstery regularly to minimize dust mites and allergens.

Control Humidity Levels

Excess humidity in the air can promote the growth of mold, mildew, and dust mites, leading to poor IAQ. Use a dehumidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels, ideally between 30% and 50%. In humid climates, consider using air conditioners or ventilation systems with dehumidifying capabilities. Fix any plumbing leaks promptly to prevent moisture buildup and mold growth.

Ventilate Properly

Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining good Indoor air quality. It helps remove indoor air pollutants and brings in fresh outdoor air. Ensure that your home has adequate ventilation by opening windows and using exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to remove excess moisture and pollutants. Consider installing a whole-house ventilation system to ensure a constant supply of fresh air and proper air circulation.

Avoid Smoking Indoors

Smoking indoors is a significant contributor to poor IAQ. Tobacco smoke contains numerous harmful chemicals and carcinogens that can linger in the air and settle on surfaces. If you or someone in your household smokes, make it a strict rule to smoke outdoors. This will prevent the introduction of harmful pollutants into your home and protect the health of both smokers and non-smokers.

Use Natural and Low-toxicity Cleaning Products

Many household cleaning productsindoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-2 contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can negatively impact IAQ. Opt for natural or low-toxicity cleaning products that are free from harsh chemicals and VOCs. Look for products labeled as “green” or “eco-friendly.” Alternatively, consider making your cleaning solutions using ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice, which are safe and effective.

Keep Indoor Plants

Indoor plants not only add beauty to your home but also help improve Indoor air quality. They act as natural air purifiers by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Certain plants, such as peace lilies, spider plants, and snake plants, are known for their air-cleaning properties. Place indoor plants strategically throughout your home to enhance air quality and create a calming environment.

Test for Radon and Carbon Monoxide

Radon and carbon monoxide are invisible and odorless gases that can pose serious health risks. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can seep into homes through cracks in the foundation. Install a radon detection kit or seek professional testing to ensure your home is free from radon. Similarly, install carbon monoxide detectors on every level of your home to alert you in case of a leak from gas appliances or heaters.

Improving indoor air quality is vital for creating a healthy and comfortable living environment. By keeping your home clean, controlling humidity levels, ventilating properly, avoiding indoor smoking, using natural cleaning products, incorporating indoor plants, and testing for radon and carbon monoxide, you can significantly enhance IAQ. Prioritizing these strategies will help safeguard your health and well-being, ensuring that you and your loved ones breathe clean and fresh air indoors.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Today! 866-822-7328


3 Odors That are Hazardous to Your Health

3 Odors That are Hazardous to Your Health

Every home has a smell. Many of us try to ensure our homes smell fresh by keeping them clean and using air fresheners and scent diffusers. However, sometimes odors in the home are much more than simple odors. They can be an indication of hazards in your home that could cause a health problem. These odors are an indication of poor indoor air quality and should be addressed as soon as possible.

1. Paint smells

The smell of fresh paint can be exhilarating for some people. However, this odor is an indication of poor indoor air quality and could affect your health in the long term if not addressed. The odor is a result of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) released into the air as the paint dries. VOCs have been linkedindoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-1 to the development of various forms of cancer.

It is important to ensure proper ventilation in your home while painting. Be sure to leave the windows and doors open. Proper ventilation is important even when only a small area has been painted.

2. Musty smells

Musty or dusty smells are common in humid environments such as kitchens, basements, bathrooms, and even in cupboards that aren’t open often. This odor is often an indication of a mold or mildew infestation. Mold and mildew are hazardous to human health. Mold spores are distributed in the air and can cause severe allergies as well as respiratory problems. Black mold is especially hazardous to your health.

If you notice a musty smell, it is important to contact a mold remediation contractor to have your home inspected as soon as possible. Invest in mold remediation to get rid of mold and address the issues that caused the infestation in the first place. These may include leaky pipes or poorindoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-2 circulation in your home leading to the accumulation of moisture.

3. Pickle odors

Does your home have a strong pickle odor? This may be an indication of formaldehyde in the air. Formaldehyde is present in many products used in the manufacture of household products, such as disinfectants, resins, fixatives, preservatives, and adhesives. Formaldehyde is therefore, present in building and flooding products, paneling, carpeting, pressed wood furniture, upholstery, and many other products around the home.

Formaldehyde is a VOC and is considered carcinogenic. It is important to ensure that your home is well ventilated to reduce exposure to this carcinogen.

Investing in an EZ breathe whole home ventilation system will help to improve indoor air quality and reduce your exposure to hazards to your health.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Today! 866-822-7328


Types of Dehumidifiers

Types of Dehumidifiers

Dehumidifiers play a vital role in maintaining good indoor air quality. A dehumidifier will help you control indoor humidity levels and prevent the growth of mold and mildew in your home. There are various factors you will need to consider when choosing a dehumidifier for your home. Amongst these factors is the type of dehumidifier to use for your space.  The following are some types of dehumidifiers to consider.

  • Refrigerator style dehumidifiers

These dehumidifiers remove excess moisture from the air by cooling it down to a temperature where the moisture condenses out of the air. The dehumidifiers have a filter unit through which air is passed to remove dirt, dust, and allergens. The air then passes over a set of coils that cool it down enough to condense moisture. The water is collected in a collectiondehumidifiers-ez-breathe-1 tank, and the dry air is exhausted into the room.

These dehumidifiers are great for warm and humid climates. The collection tank must be emptied regularly, especially if you live in an area with high humidity. They come with a humidistat which can help you set the humidity levels you want to maintain in your space.

  • Desiccant dehumidifiers

These are ideal for those living in cool and humid climates. Like refrigerator-style dehumidifiers, the air is passed through a filter to get rid of particulates. It is then passed over a desiccant. This is a chemical agent that absorbs moisture from the air. The dry air is then exhausted back into the room.

These types of dehumidifiers are more common in commercial settings. They are also a good choice for those in colder climates where the coils in a refrigerator-dehumidifiers-ez-breathe-2style dehumidifier would end up freezing.

  • Heat pump dehumidifiers

These work in a similar way as refrigerator-style dehumidifiers. However, these units have a heating unit. The air is drawn into the dehumidifier by a fan. It is filtered and passed over cold coils to condense the moisture out. The dry air is then passed over hot coils to warm it before it is exhausted back into the room.

These dehumidifiers are ideal for maintaining warm and comfortable temperatures in the space. They ensure that you maintain the temperature in your space.  

  • Whole house dehumidifiers

These work much the same way as an air conditioner. They help to get rid of excess moisture in air in the entire house. They are connected to existing HVAC systems ductwork. However, there are some units that work as standalone units.

Talk to a professional to determine the best type of dehumidifier for your space.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Today! 866-822-7328


Indoor Air Quality – Questions to Ask to Choose the Best Placement for Your Dehumidifier in Your Crawlspace

Indoor Air Quality – Questions to Ask to Choose the Best Placement for Your Dehumidifier in Your Crawlspace

Investing in a dehumidifier is a necessity for a healthy crawlspace as well as for good indoor air quality. It is a well-known fact that the conditions in the crawlspace will have a direct impact on the quality of the air in the living space above. Dehumidifiers help to remove excess moisture from the air in the crawlspace. They play a key role in keeping the crawlspace dry and mold free. Dehumidifiers therefore help in maintaining good indoor air quality in the home.indoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-ventilation-system-1

For many homeowners, the placement of the dehumidifier in the crawlspace simply isn’t that important. They believe that simply placing the unit anywhere in the crawlspace will do. However, where you locate the unit is actually quite important.

The problem with poor placement

Many homeowners don’t realize that dehumidifiers produce a sound when operating. This sound can be loud depending on where the unit is located and the time of day. For example, if the unit is located under your bedroom, the noise is likely to disrupt your sleep when the unit is operating at night.

It is also important to note that dehumidifiers are generally inexpensive to run. However, their location within the crawlspace will have an impact on their efficiency. A unit that runs constantly will have a big impact on your power bill.indoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-ventilation-system-2

Choosing the best placement for your dehumidifier

There are several questions you should ask when locating a dehumidifier in the crawlspace.

  1. Will anything obstruct the dehumidifier? Place the dehumidifier in a location that is free of obstacles. There should be no piers or walls blocking air flow. This will ensure more efficient operation of the dehumidifier.
  2. Which rooms are above the dehumidifier? It is important to consider how the dehumidifier will affect the activities in the room above the space. It is best to avoid locating the dehumidifier below bedrooms to avoid disrupting sleep when the unit is working at night.
  3. Is there level ground? The unit should be installed on level and solid ground. This will have an impact on the level of noise produced by the unit during operation. A unit installed on uneven ground will also not function as efficiently.

Work with a crawlspace waterproofing expert to ensure that you place your dehumidifier in the best location. A well placed dehumidifier will mean better indoor air quality and lower energy bills.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation System Today! 866-822-7328


Ways in Which Poor Indoor Air Quality is Affecting Your Health

Ways in Which Poor Indoor Air Quality is Affecting Your Health

Is the air your breathing causing you harm? Many Americans are in danger of suffering lasting health effects because of the air in their homes. This is because the indoor air quality of their homes is actually quite poor. Considering that most people spend 90 percent of their time inside buildings, the state of the indoor air quality of these buildings is important.

There are various toxins in air including airborne particles, ozone, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde as well as odors and various gases. These pollutants come from cleaning products, paint and solvent fumes, building materials, furnishings and other household items.indoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-1

Health effects of poor indoor air quality

Air pollutants can have lasting effects on our health. Poor air quality can cause:

  1. Weight gain

Are you eating healthy and still packing on pounds? Is calorie counting not working for you? Your fluctuations in weight could be the result of indoor air pollution. When our bodies’ natural pathways are overloaded with toxins, our bodies react by gaining weight.

  1. Asthma

According to the World Health Organization, up to 30 percent of respiratory diseases are caused by exposure to poor indoor air. This is understandable since inhalation is the most common pathways of pollutants and other agents that cause respiratory diseases. You can protect your household by ensuring that the air in your home is free of pollutants and disease causing agents.

  1. Depression

While depression is often associated with genetics or events in a person’s life, it can also be the result of toxins in the air. Studies have shown a correlation between long term exposure to toxins in the air and depression. You can reduce the severity of your depression by getting rid of the pollutants in the air.indoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-2

  1. Allergies

More people in America suffer from allergies today than in the past. One of the main reasons for this is the higher levels of toxins in indoor air. These pollutants trigger allergic reactions such as sneezing, headaches, skin rashes, swelling, fatigue and a runny nose.

Getting rid of these allergens will help to protect your household from developing allergies.

Ensuring clean indoor air

While you may rely on your HVAC to filter out particulates in the air, it is not adequate for getting rid of gases as well as microscopic agents. It is best to invest in a system that will help to cycle air in your home to ensure fresh air in the house.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Today! 866-822-7328



How To Make Sure Your Indoor Air Is Healthy 

How To Make Sure Your Indoor Air Is Healthy 

The average American spends 90 percent of their time indoors. That means that you spend most of your time breathing indoor air. According to a study by the Environment Protection Agency (US EPA), indoor air quality for the average home is much worse than outdoor air quality. The EP reports that the levels of pollutants in homes are 2 to 5 times higher than that in outdoor air. Some pollutants recorded high levels of 100 times more indoors than outdoors.

While spending more time outdoors is a great idea for our overall health, it doesn’t solve the problem of high levels of pollutants in our homes. The good news is that you can improve your indoor air quality with the following easy steps.indoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-1

1. Keep your home ventilated

One of the easiest ways to reduce the levels of pollutants in the air within your home is to open your windows and doors. This will allow air to circulate into and out of your home. Good exchange of air will promote healthy air indoors.

2. Smoke outdoors

If you or a member of your household likes to indulge in cigarette smoking every once in a while, restrict the activity to the outdoors. Cigarette smoking is not only bad for your health as a smoker but also for the other members of your household. Secondhand smoke has been attributed as the cause of up to 3000 deaths a year as a result of developing lung cancer.

3. Maintain healthy humidity levels

Dust mites and mold love moisture. Mold spores and dust mites are known to cause allergies or increase allergy episodes. Keeping humidity levels low will help to reduce the levels of mold and dust mites in your home. Consider investing in a dehumidifier for those parts of your home that are especially humid, such as the basement or crawlspace.indoor-air-quality-ez-breathe-2

4. Bring in plants

Plants offer an easy and inexpensive way to purify your air. These natural air purifiers take in stale indoor air that is full of chemicals and release fresh, oxygen-rich air into your home. Placing a large number of plants in your home will help to ensure your indoor air is cleaner. Be sure to look for plants that are known for air purification, such as spider plants, Aloe Vera, and mother-in-law’s tongue.

Are you looking for ways to improve indoor air quality? Try the tips above to get started right away.

Contact the Professionals at EZ Breathe Today! 866-822-7328