Common Indoor Air Quality Myths | Chicago, IL

Indoor Air Quality | Chicago, IL

We spend a good deal of our lives indoors. It, therefore, makes sense to be concerned about indoor air quality. Sadly, many people believe myths about the air they breathe while indoors. These myths prevent them from taking the steps necessary to improve the quality of the air they breathe and therefore comprise their health.

If you believe the myths below, it’s time you made a change to improve the indoor air quality of your home and thus safeguard your household’s health.

  1. The air inside your home is cleaner than the air outside

The air in your home is actually more polluted than that outdoors. There are various pollutants within homes including air fresheners, aerosols, detergents, electronics, cleaning agents, refrigerators, dust mites, mold and much more. Efficient buildings are built to minimize the exchange of air indoors with the outdoors. You’re breathing stale polluted air while you’re indoors.

You can improve the quality of air in your home by investing in a ventilation system that circulates air into the home from the outdoors. This will prevent the buildup of pollutants in the home.

Indoor Air Quality | Chicago, IL

  1. Indoor air quality isn’t a big deal

The quality of the air you breathe can contribute to the development of health issues including asthma, congested sinuses, nausea, fatigue, headaches, allergies and other respiratory issues.

Taking the steps to improve the quality of air you breathe will cost much less than a lifetime of medications and treatments due to poor health. It is well worth investing your time and money in.

  1. A high-quality filter will ensure better air quality

Air filters in HVAC systems only help to reduce particulates in the air. Even the finest filters cannot get rid of gases that pollute the air such as radon gas. Investing in and changing your air filters regularly will only protect you from particulates such as dust and mold spores.

The best way to improve air quality in the home is to ventilate the home. This will remove stale air with pollutants and allow in fresh air from the outdoors. Ventilation takes care of all forms of pollution including particulates, gases and moisture.

  1. Improving indoor air quality is expensive

You can improve air quality in your home without breaking the bank. There are simple steps you can take right now such as ventilating your home and eliminating pollutants to improve air quality. You should however consider long term measures such as investing in a whole-home ventilation system for long term improvements and peace of mind.

5 Sure Tips for Improving Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality New Jersey, NJ


Indoor Air Quality | New Jersey, NJ

5 Sure Tips for Improving Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality New Jersey, NJ

Indoor air quality denotes the quality of air within buildings and the surrounding structures, especially with respect to the health and wellbeing of the people who occupy these buildings. Being aware of the importance of good indoor air quality and controlling some of the elements that pollute indoor air can help in reducing the risk of indoor air-related health problems.

Controlling the quality of indoor air is also very important given that some of the health risks associated with poor indoor air quality may be experienced immediately while others may take even years to be detected. Therefore, understanding and controlling the quality of the air that you breathe can help you prevent the short- and long-term problems that are associated with poor indoor air quality.

Ironically, according to the Environmental Protection Agency of the United States, six out of every 10 buildings and homes have poor indoor air quality and therefore expose their occupants to the risks associated with airborne pollutants. Thus, much more needs to be done to improve the quality of indoor air in homes and other buildings. Below are five tips that can help you improve your home’s indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Quality | New Jersey, NJ


1. Ensure That The Building Has Good Natural Ventilation

Natural ventilation includes windows, doors and various types of vents such as door vents, window vents, and ridge vents among others. These openings facilitate air circulation, ensuring that the indoor environment has fresh air and just the right amount of humidity at all times. Thus, it is important to have an adequate number of windows and doors as well as numerous vents on your building to guarantee good natural ventilation.

2. Install Reliable AC Equipment

Air conditioning equipment such as fans and dehumidifiers and are a good investment to help you improve air circulation and control the amount of moisture in the building at any given time.

3. Keep your AC Equipment Clean

Simply installing different kinds of AC equipment is not enough to help you have a good indoor air quality. To be effective, the devices need to be cleaned and maintained regularly to ensure that they do not gather dust and that they operate optimally at all times.

4. Have House Plants To Help You Purify Your Indoor Air

Some house plants such as Epipremnum aureum have been proven to be effective in purifying indoor air by removing a number of air pollutants including formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethylene, and benzene.

5. Choose Furniture And Items Such As Carpets Carefully And Keep Them Clean

Some furniture items and carpets release air pollutants long after they have been made. Hence, it is important to ask about the types of materials that the items are made of when buying. It is also critical to keep furniture and carpets clean to avoid the accumulation of dust and other airborne substances on these items.

Contact the professionals at EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems today! (866) 822-7328

Indoor Air Quality | EZ Breathe | Macedonia, OH

4 Things Compromising the Indoor Air Quality of Your Home | Nashville, TN

Whether you’re sleeping or awake and active, the quality of the air you breathe matters. Indoor air quality has a big impact on your health. Poor quality air can lead to the development of allergies and other respiratory problems.

The following are five things that commonly compromise indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Quality | Nashville, TN

  1. Dirty air ducts

The air flowing through your ductwork is distributed throughout the home. It is the air you breathe. It is therefore important to ensure that this air is of good quality.

If you are not getting the ductwork in your HVAC system cleaned often, there’s a good chance that the air in your home is packed with dander, dirt, dust and other particulates. Your dirty ducts could be the reason why your allergies are flaring up or the cause of that persistent headache. Be sure to have your ducts cleaned by a certified expert at least once a year.

  1. Indoor smoke

This is a rather obvious one. Many people understand the dangers associated with smoking. However, few understand that smoking an E-cigarette will also compromise indoor air quality. While E-cigarettes are not as bad as traditional cigarettes, they still result in the production of pollutants. It is therefore advisable to restrict all forms of smoking to the outdoors and maintain a smoking-free zone within your home.

  1. High levels of humidity

Moisture is essential for our health. It helps to keep our airways and skin healthy. However, too much moisture can lead to problems.

High humidity in the home will create the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew. Once an infestation is established, spores will be released in the air. When you breathe in these spores, they can cause all manner of health problems including allergies and respiratory issues.

If you want to safeguard the health of your household, you should invest in a dehumidifier. This will keep humidity at an optimum level and keep mold infestations at bay.

  1. Pets

Your pets may be lovable and loyal friends, but they also may be causing you to be ill. Pet dander (or fur) can result in the development of allergies and other respiratory issues when inhaled. It is made up of not only the fur but also dried skin cells. These fall off regularly, float in the air and settle on different surfaces around the home.

Make it a point to clean your pet regularly. You should also give your home a thorough cleaning every once in a while.

Improve your indoor air quality, contact the professionals at EZ Breathe Systems today! (866) 822-7328

Washington, D.C. | EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems

EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems Improves The Health Of Your Home | Washington, D.C.

The air quality in your home can impact your health. It is important to invest in a ventilation system that can filter allergins in order to have the healthiest possible indoor air quality. Let’s face it, our homes are full of pollutants. They are in the electronics we buy, the plastic packaging, the floors, the carpets, the sofa, the fabric of our curtains and practically anything that is produced commercially. There are also various pollutants around the home that aren’t in obvious places e.g. basement mold.

If you want to improve indoor air quality, you can start by answering the questions below:

  1. Do you have moisture problems in your basement?

Not many people realize that the state of their basement affects the quality of the air in their homes. This is the result of stack effect, which results in the rising of air from the basement into the rest of the home.

If you’re experiencing moisture problems in your basement, you’re also likely to have a mold or mildew infestation. You are also likely to be affected by microbial growth. Mold spores and bacteria can spread to the rest of the home in the air that rises from the basement into the rest of the home.

Washington, D.C. | EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems

  1. Do you have rodents or insects in your home?

Yes, rodents and insects affect indoor air quality. Their fur and particles from their feces can easily spread in the air that circulates in your home. These particles are allergens that can cause or exacerbate allergic reactions. You may experience worsening of asthma symptoms or the development of various other respiratory conditions as a result of the presence of these allergens.

  1. Do members of your family experience frequent bouts of illnesses or allergies?

Many people write this off as a problem with immunity. However, it is most likely the presence of allergens and disease-causing organisms in the air you breathe in your home.

Addressing issues of air quality

It isn’t enough to invest in HEPA filters that will get rid of small particles. You need to ensure that you have fresh air circulating in your home. You can achieve this by investing in a ventilation system that circulates fresh air from the outdoors into your home. These systems ensure that you are not breathing in the same stale air. They get rid of allergens and gaseous toxins to ensure better air quality in your home.

Contact EZ Breathe Systems today!  (866) 822-7328

Boston, MA | EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems

How To Keep Your Indoor Humidity Managed While Away | Boston, MA

How To Keep Your Indoor Humidity Managed While Away

You’ve waited for a long time for this! You have scheduled time off, and now you can finally put your feet up and relax for a few days or even weeks. Everything is booked, packed and ready to go. But wait, are you really ready for your vacation? The prospect of getting away from it all can be really exciting. Preparing for your vacation can be exciting too. You get to plan where you’ll go and what you’ll do. However, you shouldn’t forget what you leave behind. No one wants to come home to a mold infested home. But many homeowners forget about protecting their home from humidity and water damage for the period of their vacation. Many come back home to find that things aren’t as great as they left them.

The following tips will help you deal with indoor humidity and ensure indoor air quality while you’re away.

  1. Have your home inspected

Want to know what to look for in order to ensure good indoor air quality? Have your home inspected. This will help you identify areas in your home that are contributing to the high levels of humidity. Your inspector will also provide you with guidance on the best way to tackle these problems.

Boston, MA | EZ Breathe Ventilation Systems

  1. Have your plumbing fixed

Do you have leaky plumbing? Are there faucets in your home that are dripping? Get a professional plumber in to ensure that these leaks are fixed. This will ensure that there are no puddles to contribute to the humidity levels in your home.

  1. Invest in a dehumidifier

If you haven’t already, ensure that you invest in a dehumidifier. Be sure to purchase one that can be set to automatically turn on when the humidity levels are too high and off when they have reached the optimum range. You can leave this humidifier running while you are away.

  1. Let your dehumidifier drain directly into the drain

Dehumidifiers are designed to turn off when their trays are full of water. This protects your home from flooding and the dehumidifier from water damage. You then have to empty the tray for the dehumidifier to continue operating.

However, you won’t be around to empty the tray while you’re on vacation. You can ensure that the dehumidifier continues operating by simply allowing it to drain into the main drain.

Apply these tips to your home so you can enjoy a worry free vacation and come back to a home to find good indoor air quality.


Minneapolis, MN | Basement Ventilation | EZ Breathe indoor air qualitiy professionals can guide you with choosing an EZ Breathe System that will improve your homes indoor air quality

Indoor Air Quality – 3 Reasons to Worry About Dampness in the Home | Minneapolis, MN

Have you noticed a leak in your home? Is your home damp? It doesn’t matter whether the leak is in your basement or in your bathroom; the fact is that it is likely to cause your home to become damp. It doesn’t matter how small the leak is. Ensure that you have it attended to as soon as your notice it.
Why you should be worried about moisture
It can be tempting to ignore that little leak in your home. However, not repairing the problem won’t make it go away. In fact, it is only likely to become worse. If you’re concerned about indoor air quality, you ought to also be concerned about those leaking pipes.
Several scientific studies have linked high levels of moisture in homes with respiratory problems. This is a result of the following agents that occur in homes with higher levels of moisture and humidity.

ew York, NY | Basement Ventilation | EZ Breathe indoor air qualitiy professionals can guide you with choosing an EZ Breathe System that will improve your homes indoor air quality1. Bacteria
Bacteria loves moisture. Moisture provides the perfect environment in which they can breed and thrive. It doesn’t matter how much antibacterial products you use. They cannot compensate for the effects of a damp house. The bacterial colonies will re-establish themselves. It is therefore vital to get rid of the moisture and maintain low levels of humidity.
2. Mold
This is one of the most common concerns linked with damp spaces. Mold thrives in damp spaces. They cause a musty smell which can be used to detect their presence.
Exposure to molds can result in various health conditions. Top on this list are respiratory conditions.
Investing in mold remediation will help to get rid of an infestation. However, if you want to prevent the infestation from recurring, you should ensure that you deal with the moisture problem and maintain live levels of humidity.
3. Dust mites
Dust mites are a common allergen. Those who are allergic to them develop symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy noses, itchy eyes as well as respiratory problems. While dust mites are ever present, high levels of humidity will result in higher population of these microscopic critters.
Dust mite growth can be stopped if you keep your home’s humidity levels below 50 percent. This will mean addressing any moisture problems and investing in a system that will keep the moisture levels down.
Don’t wait for your symptoms to become serious in order to take action. Ensure that your home’s moisture levels are low for good indoor air quality.

Contact EZ Breathe today! (866) 822-7328

Moisture Inside Of Windows | New York, NY

If your home suffers from drippy, wet condensation on the inside of windows during cold weather, you’ve probably noticed it can make a real mess of everything below.  In the 20 years I spent as a professional home inspector, I’ve noticed all sorts of so-called DIY “solutions” for this problem, from rolled up towels strategically placed to catch drips on the window sills below, to very creative attempts at channeling water with what can only be described as a built-in gutter connected to the bottom of these persistently wet windows!  Needless to say, while amusing, these well-intentioned attempts rarely provide any long term benefit.

Truth be told, if you really want to stop window condensation, you first need to understand why it happens.  Let’s start with an example most can relate to.  Imagine sitting outside on a warm summer day with a glass of ice-cold lemonade at your side. The outside of that glass will be wet with condensation.  Why? Because warm air holds more moisture than cold air, and as the warm summer air that strikes that cold glass and gets chilled, it releases the moisture it held and voilà – you’ve got condensation!

New York, NY | Moisture Inside Of Windows | EZ Breathe Systems

This same thing happens inside a home when conditions are right.  If water forms on the inside of windows, there’s likely a combination of causes allowing that to happen. These include high humidity, poor insulation and a lack of good passive and mechanical ventilation.  They all combine to let moisture form and rise up through the home causing a wide variety of potentially unhealthy and unpleasant conditions from water damage, to mold and more.

Building science tells us that this movement of moist air is part of the “stack effect” where warmer air enters a structure from the lower floors, often through a crawlspace or basement, and then rises up through the building – cooling as it goes  – and releasing much of that moisture along the way.  It’s a powerful force, but one that can be overcome with steps to reduce moisture at all its sources.

Given that we can’t fight physics, the best way to stop condensation from forming on the inside of windows is to reduce the humidity that allows that moisture to form in the first place.  That includes addressing the most common ways excess moisture gets into the home, improving windows to be able to reduce the temperature differential between outside and inside, and improving the ventilation needed to move the moisture out. Some of these steps are simple, some take more time, expense and planning.  But all will help reduce or completely eliminate moisture from forming inside your windows and can be accomplished individually or all at once.

Contact EZ Breathe today!
(866) 822-7328

New York, NY | Indoor Air Quality | EZ Breathe Systems

Improve Air Quality, Reduce Moisture and Avoid Allergens with EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Improve Air Quality, Reduce Moisture and Avoid Allergens with EZ Breathe Ventilation System

If you have a finished, or unfinished basement, or even a crawlspace, it’s always a challenge to keep that space dry. And with all that moisture, those spaces can be breeding grounds for mold and a wide variety of allergens.  Taking steps to stem that moisture is important and one product that can help is called EZ Breathe.

EZ Breathe is a ventilation system that takes moisture out of the air and improves indoor air quality by helping remove odors, allergens, chemicals, mold spores, dander, soil gases, all manners of indoor air pollutants.  It works by exhausting the stale air from below grade spaces as well as the contaminants and moisture that come with it, and replaces it with fresh air, thereby creating a healthier atmosphere.

As a result, EZ Breathe customers report that they have less coughing, less sneezing, and a decrease in allergy and asthma triggers.  Plus the product helps balance temperatures in the by keeping the air moving, and not allowing for stagnate spaces.

To learn more about how EZ Breathe works, we sat down with Erika Lacroix, the company’s President:

As we learned, the tighter we build home’s today, the higher the risk that those homes will trap contaminates in the air that can lead to poor indoor air quality.  In fact, the EPA reports that the air inside the average American home is a minimum of 5 times more polluted than outdoor air!  That’s why striking a balance between energy efficiency and indoor air quality is essential to creating a healthy indoor environment, and a key capability of the EZ Breathe Ventilation System.

Learn more about EZ Breathe, visit their website where you can also review scientific data and read customer reviews, or call them directly at 866-822-7328.

Parma, OH | EZ Breathe Systems | EZ Breathe Indoor Air Systems

Is Your Crawl Space Damp? Here Is What To Do Next | New York, NY

Is Your Crawl Space Damp? Here Is What To Do Next

We at EZ Breathe get this question regularly. We also get this statement often: “Well that is just the way basements are, and the way they smell.” Of course this is timely in much of the country right now… snow is melting, or has melted. Rain is falling…and more water in the soil outside our homes leads to….

When we are talking about DAMP, let’s be clear, we don’t mean WET. If you have liquid water that trickles across your floor at times, or even pools or floods your basement/crawlspace, that is WET, and it needs EZ Breathe, and some other work. Between EZ Breathe and our extensive family of distributors, we can help you solve WET basement problems.

When we are talking about DAMP, we are talking about air borne moisture, “feels damp”, condensation on cold surfaces, usually accompanied by musty odors.

For more related information about the crawl space conditioner system, click here.

Why is your basement or crawlspace damp? Very simple, even in the absence of liquid water entering your home through the foundation, research has documented “as much as 15 gallons per day of water vapor entering a basement space via vapor transmission through unsealed walls, floors, cracks, and openings and by evaporation from wet surfaces.” (Powell and Rogers, Kansas State University, “Dry Basements and Crawlspaces”.)

And that water vapor can wreak havoc in our homes! What can it cause/exacerbate?
– Structural issues
Bugs, spiders, etc.
– Health issues

How do we handle water vapor in the rest of our homes?
– In the bathrooms, we vent it to the outside
– In the kitchen, we vent it to the outside
– Our clothes dryer? Yep, vent to the outside

Has anyone ever told you to put a dehumidifier in each of your bathrooms, in your kitchen, and behind your dryer?
So you see, it is simple, a great way to handle excess water vapor in our homes is venting it to the outside…and that is what EZ Breathe has been doing for over 12 years!