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Most Frequently Asked Question!

Q: Ventilate air off the floor vs. opening windows near top of wall

A: By drawing the air from the lowest level off the floor and exhausting it to the outside, the EZ Breathe Ventilation System creates a negative space that forces newer, cleaner air to come in. This bad air out, better air in is complete air exchange using a controlled, conditioned source of replacement air that simply opening windows cannot not provide. Collecting the air within 18” off the floor of a basement or crawlspace is far superior to opening windows in order to ventilate these spaces. Aside from allowing damp, humid air in to an already damp space, opening windows does nothing to exhaust the stagnant air out of the basement and/or crawlspace. Relying on mother nature to ventilate a below grade space has proven ineffective and problematic often times making the basement/crawlspace condition worse. These outdated building codes are changing all over the country to mechanical ventilation requirements vs the old passive ventilation method. 

HGTV Host Chip Wade On EZ Breathe

Check This Out! HGTV Host Chip Wade Shares DIY Ideas, Products, and Inspiration to Upgrade Your Home. More importantly, listen to what he has to say about our EZ Breathe® products.

Allergy & Asthma Relief

Poor air quality is a direct link to respiratory and other health-related issues. Improved ventilation can help prevent asthmatic reactions. E•Z Breathe® will reduce the triggers that aggravate asthma and allergies


Address Moisture

Moisture weakens a home’s structure and causes unpleasant odors. Home moisture may also aggravate allergies and asthma. E•Z Breathe® can help remove damp, contaminated air in the house

Stamp Out Smells

Odors in a home can cause headaches, nasal irritation, dizziness, and nausea. Unpleasant odors are created by a lack of proper ventilation and poor air quality. E•Z Breathe® expels dirty air, removing unwanted smells

Musty Smells | New York, NY | EZ Breathe Ventilation System

Reduce Household Mold

Areas with high levels of moisture create dangerous molds. Mold is commonly found in basements, crawlspaces, and bathrooms. Mold-causing air moisture can be disposed with E•Z Breathe®



The Basement Ventilation System Helps to: Reduce mold, mildew, allergens, Controls humidity, dampness, Removes musty odors, Improves overall indoor air quality.


The Crawlspace Conditioner System Helps to: Reduce mold, mildew, allergens, Controls humidity, dampness, Removes musty odors, Improves overall indoor air quality.


National Indoor Air Quality Awareness Month

How to get better Indoor Air Quality in your home By Andre Lacroix, Indoor Air Quality Expert; IAQA, BPI, ISAQ, NCHH, …

Tips for Keeping the Air in Your Home Healthy

The air we breathe plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being, and it’s essential to ensure that the …

Hazardous Home Odors: Protecting Your Health and Indoor Air Quality

Every home has its unique scent, but not all odors are harmless. While we often rely on air fresheners and diffusers …

Expert Techniques for the Safe Eradication of Black Mold in Basements

Expert Techniques for the Safe Eradication of Black Mold in Basements Experiencing dampness or recent flooding in your basement elevates the …

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